The term "Missing Link" has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view of nature.
Some of these gaps which should be filled in by missing links are huge. Consider the gap between invertebrates and vertebrate fish. Which marine sea creature evolved into a fish with a backbone and internal skeleton? Fish fossils are even found in the lower Cambrian, and dated very early in the evolution scenario. But there are no missing links, no hint of ancestors. The missing links, which should be present in abundance, are still missing!
Both creation and evolution are views of history, ideas about the unobserved past, and both sides try to marshal evidence in their support. Creation says each basic category of life was created separately, thus there never were any "Missing Links." Evolution says links existed whether or not we find them. The fact is we NEVER find them. The question that most scientists and those who follow science ponder is: which historical idea is more scientific, and which is more likely to be correct ?
The thing is that we as Christians have the Bible as proof and do not need to go looking around for missing links that we know do not exist. On the opposite end of this scientists so badly want evolution to work that they will dig and dig and in some cases even go so far as to fabricate evidence so that they can stick to their evolutionary concept of creation.
There is absolutely no evidence to support the theory of evolution, which puts it into the category of pseudoscience. Without any question it is the single most blatant lie that has ever been told and yet it continues on in mainstream science without being questioned. Which I'm afraid to say turns it into more of a following rather than any type of science.
But it does not stop there my friends. This pseudoscientific garbage is now being taught in the education system not as theory, but as fact. How irresponsible has our education system become to allow something that has never been proven and is still nothing more than a theory to be taught as fact ? How totally off the rails has our society gone.?
In the video below we see Mr. Rob Skiba totally ripping apart the theory of evolution.
Now get this, they like to pass off as "FACT" that we share 98.7 percent of our DNA with a chimpanzee ? Would it shock you to know that while that number is very accurate, If We Ignore (18) Percent of Their DNA and (25) Percent Of Our DNA.? Yes, You Read That Right. So this is how they derive at the conclusion that in some way or another the chimpanzee is our distant relative.???
And This is Science.??? Are They Bloody Kidding Us.???
The Theory of Evolution is so completely out to lunch that it can't even hold up to it's own scientific tests. But yet they will fight tooth and nail to try and hold onto to it. Now I don't know about you, but to me this resembles a following, or dare I say it, a religion or cult of sorts. Because, it makes absolutely no sense to me as to how so many people can be so totally Blind as to follow something as flawed as evolution, and not do so much as to look into its validity before blindly defending it.
So what about their precious "Lucy" which they are so adamant about calling "The Missing Link"??? Can we take these scientists at face value and take what they are saying about this fossil as truth about this so called missing link ??? OF COURSE WE CAN'T. !!!!
I don't suppose it would shock you to know that after a careful look at the ancient hominian's skeleton called "Lucy" it is suggested that one or more of the bones may actually belong to a baboon. I can honestly say that judging from the looks of things on the surface it seems like science is so steadfast in proving their theory of evolution that they will stop at nothing to make this fraud come to life.
Don't be swayed by this my friends, these so called "Missing Links" are nothing but Frauds put in place by desperate people trying to prove something that does not exist>.
So with that in mind lets take a look at what they are calling science today shall we.
As we go through out years of education, or perhaps better put our Indoctrination, we are repeatedly told that Fossils take Millions of years to form. But what if this wasn't true ? Would this give you reason for pause ? I think it would, or at the very least it certainly should. Lets take for example the "Nebraska man" which was used by Evolutionist's to support their theory of a missing link. It was presented in museums and textbooks, and shown by way of pictures in many newspapers and so called scientific journals. They had enough fossil evidence that they could tell what environment Nebraska man lived in, what his wife and kids looked like, and what they ate. It was examined by leading authorities from 26 institutions across Europe and the US and classified as a missing link. The authorities who examined the "Nebraska Man's remains estimated the Fossil to be around 10 million years old. However a bit later it was found that the only actual evidence that was found was 1 tooth which they used as proof of their missing link. Really ???
The "missing link" is a term often thrown around by the media to describe fossils that are believed to bridge the evolutionary split between higher primates such as monkeys, apes, and humans. Many scientists cringe when it's used, because it often suggests far more importance and meaning a given discovery actually holds. The term "missing links" was first used in 1851 by Charles Darwin's mentor, Charles Lyell, to describe samples of fossils he had found. As mentioned above, Rob Skiba takes us through various aspects of evolution and the theories that they put forth as Fact. I will leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions on this topic., but I for one cannot even fathom this complete and utter nonsense that somehow made its way into our school text books, and somehow passes itself off as Fact. It is utterly absurd that the population is being fed these lies from grade school and up into the higher levels of education. Yet these people and organizations go unchallenged, and are allowed to continue with this nonsense.
As I had mentioned above, "Lucy" has been proven to be a Fraud just as was the famous discovery of the Piltdown Man discovered In 1912 by Charles Dawson, an amateur archaeologist from England. The damage that was done to the scientific community with the Piltdown Man was massive. The unknown forger behind Piltdown Man intentionally misled the world about human evolution. The false claims rippled through the news media and museum exhibitions. Without access to reliable sources, in this case the original bones, the fraudulent story of Piltdown Man spread like a slowly building wildfire. Unfortunately, Lucy is having exactly the same ripple effect and is misleading countless numbers of scientists down the primrose path to believing something that is a complete fraud. It is such a shame that people have allowed themselves to become so brainwashed into believing these false paradigm's of evolution that they have become totally blinded to the Truth of Creation.
One does not have to dig too deep to find out that virtually "ALL" of the so called evidence that is being used to promote Evolution is a Fraud. And while the vast majority of it has been exposed as such, they still continue to use this so called evidence in Classroom settings stemming from Grade School up to and including University levels of education. How has this been allowed to continue for goodness sake, I mean when something has been proven to be a Fraud or a Hoax do we just continue to allow it to be presented as Fact.? I should think NOT, but yet here we are, allowing the Education Faciliites to Indoctrinate our Children into Evolution while attempting to remove God out of every aspect of their lives. I don't know about you, but I find this entire concept to be abhorrently EVIL. But I guess why should this surprise us, as we have been LIED TO about virtually EVERYTHING. And as you make you way through this site it will become abundantly clear as to the shear depth of this Massive Deception. But Evolution is perhaps the most damaging of them all, as it is treated exactly as a Religion of sorts, and that my friends is a scary thought, as without having to go too deeply into the dangers of this doctrine of Demons and the impact it can have on our children, I think it goes without saying that they are attempting to create generation after generation of Atheist by using this flase doctrine. And this just cannot be allowed to stand.
Once again all we see is one Fraud after another with these guys. They are so desperate to find a piece of evidence that will corroberate their Evolutionary Paradigm that they are willing to go to extrodinary lengths, not only to make this happen, but in most every instance it seems that they are willing to LIE, Cover-Up, or Manufacture this so called evidence. In this instance they ran across an insect that was incased in Amber. They quickly came to the conclusion that this fossel was at least 135 Million years old, and yet they were able to gain access to the fossel through the Amber and extract DNA from the Weevil. This report was quickly published in the British Journal of Nature, which ironically was ONE DAY prior to the opening of the original Jurassic Park movie. Which incidentally has a similar sequence in the movie only depicting a Mosquito instead of a Weevil being incased in Amber. In any event, the article was published, but instead of the community jumping onboard with the finding, it was quickly pointed out that the Half-Life of DNA is no where near what they were saying the age of this find was. In conclusion, they argued that if indeed the rock formation that this Weevil was trapped in was as old as they are indicating, the DNA would have been entirely gone by the time of this find. So lets see what happened and how they tried to work around this problem they encountered.