The Matrix Revealed


Flat Earth Proof

While the Scientific Community would like us all to just conform to the notion that we live on a spinning ball or as they like to put it an oblate spheroid, they show us no proof of this in any way. All evidence points to a Flat Motionless Plane and not what they claim the earth to be or what we were taught it is. With the technology we as individuals can obtain in todays day and age people can go out and conduct tests for themselves and prove these theories to be without merit or perhaps best said, prove them totally false.

Many people with the aid of High Zoom Capability Camera's and Telescopes have captured objects at great distances which if the globe math is brought into the equation should not in any way be visible. Both Still Photography as well as Video has been captured that goes totally against all the so called science we are taught through our education systems or through scientific books on the subject.

In the "Globe" section we hit on the topic of "Curvature" but did not go into much detail on the matter. Here we are going to go through a variety of questions that are generally asked when considering the earth as a Flat Plane as opposed to a Globe or Oblate Spheroid as they like to call it. The likes of "Neil Degrasse Tyson" an American Astrophysicist, Author, and Science Communicator, has been one of the so called Gate Keepers for the Heliocentric Model and who will stop at nothing to keep this Deception in the Mainstream. Another Heliocentric Shill is a Clown called "Bill Nye" (The Science Guy). This guy is who I like to refer to as The Mr. Rogers of the Globe Model and is yet another so called Gate Keeper.

These individuals are put in place to keep the blinders on the general public and to debunk anybody who questions anything having to do with the Globe. While there are many others that are also put in place in order to keep the lie alive, these two individuals are center stage and in the public eye pushing the heliocentric model like there was no tomorrow. Backing it up as if it were totally based on facts that are without question.

Here is the problem, when anyone starts looking into any of the various aspects of this theory they quickly find that all the so called evidence is flawed and in most cases manufactured and without scientific merit. We have all been Subjected to Programming and Disinformation for generations through the School System and especially through Hollywood, NASA and the Media.

Since we were all barely able to walk we were already being shown a Globe and watching programs about space. The constant bombardment of material day after day and year after year is a form of Brainwashing and is meant to normalize what ever they are showing us at the time. If we look back just a few hundred years we are able to see that just about every walk of life had depictions of the earth and wouldn't you know it, they were all flat.

I wonder if it would surprise you to know that there are a multitude of Official Government Documents that show the earth is flat. While these people know full well we live on a Flat Plane and are all part of an Intricate and Flawless Design by our Heavenly Father, they continue to push this False Doctrine on us. As you go through this site it will all become clear as to why they keep pushing this lie.

So spend a bit of time and view the video's below and after doing so, come to your own conclusions, but I know this for a fact. It will certainly make you think about what you have been taught, as up until a few years ago there is No Way that anybody could have told me that I was lied to my entire life. But Now I Know For A Fact, I Was Lied To Big Time. This massive lie has been taught world wide, so I guess I am not alone, but now I am awake and doing the best I can to get this information out so that others can see what has been done. But as I said, view what is here, and draw your own conclusions.

There are a couple late entries that I wanted to include in this section. These video's are showing how even some of the biggest channels that would not give Flat Earth the time of day are now looking into it because of the Constant Bombardment of Disinformation spewed out by the Mainstream. The Mainstream Media is on a Witch Hunt, calling anybody who would even look into the Flat Earth downright Crazy and Uneducated and in some cases much much worse. Well, This Has Not Gone Unnoticed by the people who are paying attention and who are Totally Against Censorship of any kind. But the degree in which the mainstream has gone in order to cover up experiments that have been conducted and the results that are indeed showing the earth NOT to be a Globe is Staggering. With that in mind, these video's had to be included so that we all can understand exactly just how deep this Conspiracy goes and how they will stop at nothing to try and bury it.

With that having been said, I am including a video down towards the bottom of the page that is filled with nothing but "Professionals" who work with programs such as AutoCad and who rely on data and precise measurements when constructing and or building. Within this video are a great number of Pilot's, Survey Professionals and many others. So if the video's thus far have not convinced you that the world is NOT what we have been told it is, I suggest you sit back and take in what "The Professionals" have to say about "The Earth".

Debunking Flat Earth 101

So it seems that no matter who is approached or asked about the possibility of the earth being flat, the same answers are repeatedly given. Such as, Oh No, Not You Too ? Or perhaps the most common response is, You just don't understand science and of course we have the more direct approach of Your Crazy.!!!. These are perhaps the most common of all, but there are a lot more catchy phrases and colorful metaphors that have been used from time to time as well. In this video we are going to look at some of the common misconceptions that arise when speaking to someone who thinks the mere thought of the earth being anything other than a globe means we are totally stupid and without scientific knowledge, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. What a lot of people do not take into consideration is the simple fact that those that now believe the earth is flat were once no different that those who still believe it is a globe. After all we were all indoctrinated and brainwashed by the same education system.

35 Government Documents Admit Flat Earth

Well, All I can say is that this seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. I don't know how anybody is going to get around this one. 35 Government Documents where there is mentions of their calculations being made over (or on) a Flat Non-Rotating Earth. If this is not enough proof to basically blow this entire thing wide open then I don't know what more is needed. You see folks the Government knows full well that the Earth is Flat, they have said it time and time again, but it seems that no matter what, they keep pushing the lie of a spinning globe earth to the masses. There is so much evidence that has been compiled to prove the earth is flat that I do not understand how anybody can in any way attempt to even begin to deny it any longer. But we will always have people who will not look at the truth even if it slaps them directly in the face, which I must say is truly a shame, but unfortunately it is what it is. There are some that just cannot come to terms with the fact that they have been lied to no matter what you show them.

The Case for Flat Earth

This is a presentation by ODD-TV, who has a great deal of video's on this topic. He shows us various aspects of what we are being told the world is, and what we are taught throughout our lives. And yet when we go and look for ourselves, we cannot find any proof to back up what we were taught. On the contrary, everything that we observe with our own eyes points to a flat plane. Why is it that with all the motion we are suppose to be part of, the earth rotating on it's axis, The earth rotating around the Sun, The Sun moving around the milky way galaxy and so on, we feel absolutely NO MOVEMENT ? And They Can't Prove We are Moving No Matter What They Do ? Their lies are Paramount my Friends, these people now have painted themselves into a corner and have to keep the lies going. So Organizations like NASA and Hollywood are put in place in order to keep their agenda moving forward and feed the masses their propaganda. It goes without saying that there is definitely an Agenda here Folks.

Proof We Do Not Live On A Globe

There are many questions people have when it comes to looking into the earth as being a flat plane, especially if it is the first time they are considering that what they were taught may not be what they are experiencing. In this video certain questions are addressed that are perhaps some of the most commonly asked. A great deal of distance photography is shown and explained as well as long distance video looking across vast areas while trying to find the said curvature. The earth is not what we are told it is folks. In fact it is something far, far different. This presentation deals with 29 reasons to question the world in which you live. Believe me there are many, many more reasons to question it and to question the people and organizations pushing out this deception, but for now let us look at these 29 and take it from there. I am sure that if you take the time to look through this for yourself you will come away with a whole lot more questions than when you started. My hopes are that you do exactly that, and that you are driven to start questioning everything that is put out by these organizations.

The Science of Flat Earth

There are various aspects of science that can prove we are not on a globe with very little to no effort, but they are quickly dis guarded by mainstream science so that they can continue with the illusion of their precious globe. I will say this again, all attempts to discover curvature anywhere on the earth Has Failed, and all attempts at proving any type of motion Has Failed. Yet, we are fed this absolute nonsense from a very young age and it continues non-stop into our adult lives. There is a quote that hold true in the world today and that is, "If you tell a lie, Make it Big, and keep repeating it, and people will eventually come to believe it". This is at the very heart of heliocentrism, a fabrication with no physical scientific proof to back it up. But yet it is taught in our schools right along side evolution which is another complete form of madness. The thing is, without evolution the heliocentric model could not exist, and with the heliocentric model, evolution could not exist. So there you have it, one lie feeding another lie and they somehow call this science. Which is Unbelievable.

Flat Earth Facts

In this video we hear from ODD TV. He goes through a wide array of different questions that usually arise when speaking to someone about the make up of the earth. There are a great many questions that come to the surface when talking to virtually anybody about this concept and believe me most people are not easily swayed. The reason is simply this, most of us have been so heavily indoctrinated through out education system and the like of NASA and Hollywood that we would be hard pressed to find any amoung us who truly holds an open mind and also who is capable of any type of critical thinking with all the propaganda and brainwashing that has gone on throughout the years when it comes to our earth. The thing is here folks is that there is no getting around the face that the earth is definately NOT what we are told through mainstream science and when we look at the various tests that have been done they all point to a fixed immovable flat plane. So with this in mind, lets give a listen to ODD TV and see if he is able to clear any of these misconceptions up for us.

Flat Earth and Geocentric Proofs for Skeptics in 2018

So if you have not been convinced by now, here is a short video running through the most evident lies we have been fed. Most people like I have mentioned before have been programmed to believe we are on a globe, and nothing that is presented to them, no matter how evident it is, will ever change the programming. I was no different a few years ago, but once I started to question what I was being told, it all came crashing down. The earth is flat, all the evidence points to it, and the Bible corroborates it. Nothing that I was ever shown through text books or on T.V in respect to the heliocentric model has ever been proven, and it seems that it cannot be proven as all experiments conducted aim at a flat geocentric world that was created by God. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that even remotely points to any sort of evolution or any kind of a big bang. So with all of this in mind, when we look at all of this we must come to the only logical conclusion that is possible based on the facts. The Earth is Flat, The Bible is True, and we have seriously been lied to.

Earth Like You Have Never Seen It Before

If all the above video's have not driven the point home then take a look at this. There is no way around this evidence, not even for the most hard-core globe believer. Here is the earth like you have never seen it before, In Infrared. With our naked eye we can only see so far, even with the best zoom camera's available, but with an Infrared filter installed, it is amazing as to what we can see. The distances we are able to reach are unbelievable. If there is anyone who still thinks there is curvature on the earth I would urge you to take a look at this and then tell me where it is. All I can say is that, if this is not enough evidence to at least make a person think, then I don't know what to say. No matter, we will always still have the people who DO NOT want to see and DO NOT want to hear, as hearing and seeing what has been found might shatter the very fabric of the world in which they believe is real. What I say to these people is; Your not alone, we were all in the same place not so long ago. And please keep in mind, we were all taught the same things, which makes us all victims of the same deception.

Flat Earth Fundamentals - The Professionals

As I mentioned above, if by now you cannot see how we have been misled by our education system throughout our lives than I would urge you to kick back and watch this video. This video is chalked full of Professionals from around the world who rely on fine measurements in order to do their jobs correctly. If anybody is still a sceptic and who is suffering from a high degree of Cognitive Dissonance I would urge you to please watch this presentation. There is no getting around this my friends, the evidence comes right from the horses mouth so to speak, from Survey Professional to Professional Pilots to Military Personal this video is full of people who will tell you that they are told NOT TO WORRY about curvature when they are doing their jobs.??? So it's all okay, all we have to do to get around the curvature problem is Not To Worry About it.??? Does anybody else see a problem with this, or is it just me.? It is utterly amazing what these frauds can make people believe through our education system, media, NASA and Hollywood it would seem that they have all the angles covered.

Flat Earth Maps and Flight Paths

Still not convinced we don't live on a Globe.? Well here is a tiny tadpole of information that is not usually seen and rarely is it even discussed. But we are going to discuss it here. So, if we look at the location of Australia on the Globe model we can clearly see that there are big problems with its said location. Why do I say that.? Well, when we start to track flights arriving and leaving for North American we see that the path they follow is totally wrong from what you would expect. The location given on the Globe shows that ALL FLIGHTS should take a path that is south of the Hawaiian Islands, but would it surprise you to know that NONE of the flights coming out of or going to Australia from North America even come close to the path they should follow if we were on a Globe. Instead they Fly a considerable distance North of the Hawaiian Islands. How can this be.? Well, it is because we DO NOT live on a Globe, as we are told. If we put up the flight paths on a Gleasons Flat Earth Map, the secret is revealed. Take a look.