The Matrix Revealed


Social Media Programming

The growth of social media has provided a platform for making connections, finding information, and achieving a universal voice. But it's also created a narcissistic and addictive culture driven by digital notifications, comparisons, approval and affirmation. Add to that the anonymity that enables users to launch ignorant political tirades, cyber bullying and bashing of complete strangers, and you've got a recipe for a social disaster. And if that is not enough Social media is creating generations of individuals, fully connected, yet essentially isolated and unable to separate what they see online, from reality. And it's taking a toll on our mental, physiological and social wellbeing.

According to Seam Parker, Facebook was built on the notion of how to consume people's time and conscious attention. He said that he, like others behind social networking, understood the "vulnerability in human psychology" that would attract people to social media again and again, and then exploited it by creating a "social-validation feedback loop" in their brain. The result? When we see a notification, the dopamine comes in and we become happy and feel affirmed by the world. In the process we're being programed to return to the screen for "Social Approval" and thus lose ourselves in it, which is essentially a form of mind control. People are spending countless hours per day scrolling through social feeds, brazenly arguing and abusing strangers and becoming polarized. Parker goes on to say, he can only imagine what social media is doing to young brains.

Social media has been shown to spread Fake News Stories far faster than Mainstream Media News Outlets. Want something to go Viral? Make it Fake News. This means that people who use social media are probably going to have a set of facts that "Do Not Fit Reality". This isn't brain washing with the intention of control overall, but can and does lead to a populace that is becoming increasingly rooted in "Fake Facts" and ideas which can drastically change peoples view points of critial situations or happenings that they think they know the facts on. Only to later find out that what they thought they knew was based off of nothing but speculation and does not hold any truth what so ever to reality.

Social media is like TV, the Internet, etc. It's a medium through which words, images, and video are transmitted. It's up to you what you choose to view and what you choose to believe. If a story sounds fake or a marketing claim sounds too good to be true, then investigate it, don't allow yourself to be "Brainwashed". What it comes down to is that if you are a user and consumer of social media, you need to be an educated one. The problem here is that hardly anybody does any type of research at all into the topics which they comment on and this causes nothing but speculation on the part of the people who are reponding to posts that they really know nothing about and just base their responses on emotion rather than facts.

On Social Media, situations or certain topics are presented as black or white. One side is portrayed as righteous and sensible while the others are just malevolent or stupid. Information that does not serve the narrative is often ignored or hidden while that which supports the agenda is amplified and repeated, which in itself is brainwashing the user into picking sides based on nothing more than a small percentage of truth. We see this happen countless numbers of times expecially when dealing with topics that not very many people have a great deal of knowledge in, like science, space, evolution, etc. To give a few examples. While nobody knows a great deal about any aspect of these topic's they will all ring in with one emotional response after another, or just jump on the bandwagon of the most popular response with the most likes and mimic the message that was presented in order to sound knowledgeable.

I am going to show some examples in video format of what is transpiring within these Social Media platforms and let you folks be the judge of it yourselves, as I can go on typing all day long here, but I know it is much easier to listen than to read countless lines of text. All I am attempting to do here my friends is to show you how easily all of the information that we are presented with can be manipulated and put out as fact, when in reality it is nothing even close to fact at all. This is where a great deal of common misconceptions are born and then grow into the elaborate fabrications and manipulated understandings we constantly see around us.

And we wonder why it is that people have a hard time when it comes to actually looking at something that is The Truth.

But it gets far worse than that and where this is all leading should both shock and concern most everybody, and if it doesn't, You just have not been paying attention.. I urge everyone to at the very least view the first video to see what is actually occuring and what may happen in the very near future.

Social Media, The Harsh Reality

What most people do not realize is that Social Media is put in place to try and grab and keep your attention. While many may think that this is in no way doing any harm, nor is it in any way disrupting their day to day lives, they are sadly mistaken. This is not merely a side effect my friends, this is put in place BY DESIGN in the attempts to control you. They do this by giving you what is commonly called "A Dopamine Boost". By this I mean if you are in, say a casino site, the dopamine boost comes in way of a "Win", or other instances the dopamine boost comes in way of "Likes" to a particular post you have put up. The bottom line here is that they want to have you constantly checking your phone or your computer system. The more they can get you to check your messages or status the more they can distract you from your normal day to day tasks and hense break your concentration. It is shown that people who use Social Media on a regular basis have a much lower concentration level than those who do not. Think this is a coincidence.?

Programming The Masses With Technology

I think that anyone who has the least bit of critial thinking left can observe this video and come away with the notion that where this is all heading cannot be good to any degree of the word. People have gotten so lost in Social Media that they are failing to see where it is heading and what it is doing with all the personal information it has compiled on the majority of our population. We are going to take a quick look at a couple other countries around the world to see what they are now attempting to do and in many cases have already done and how these changes are affecting their populations. I can't stress this enough my friends, we are at the mercy of big tech corporations these days and while most are totally oblivious to what these corporations are doing there are some of us that are fully awake and attempting to send out warning signals to who ever we can reach, which is this case is YOU. Trust me my friends this is all By Design, nothing is by way of an accident.

They Admitted Social Media Is Programming Us

This is where it has all come to my friends. It doesn't matter if we are simply going out and reading what is latest in the news, or checking the weather, we are always under the risk of being manipulated by the people who run these Social Media Platforms. If we take just a moment and look into the giant of them all Facebook, we can see that they are far more than just a place where people meet up with family and friends and exchange the odd photo from time to time. Most people think this platform is quite innocent and use it primarily to keep in touch with friends, but it is far different than what it might appear to be on the surface. They are programming the masses and they readily admit to doing so. And if that isn't bad enough they openly admit to having full knowledge of what they were doing when they first created it. And wait, if that is not bad enough they also pose the question as to what it may be doing to young minds. I mean come on, if you have to ask, you know full well it is not doing anything good. Despite all of this, do you think it is easy to get people to understand this.? NOPE.

The Twisted Truth Of Mind Control

I can certainly tell you that from what I heard within this video shocked me. I am totally certain that nobody has heard what the CIA by way of MKUltra mind control methods had soldiers do during the Vietnam War is something that is unbelievable. The thing is that what they are doing by way of Social Media is not much different, mind you it is without the gore of course. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and all other forms of Social Media is all part in parcel in this programming. I think it important to understand why people think under the lines that they do in the world today, as there is always a reason behind why people think how they do. The truth is that Social Media plants certain topics just to see what the reaction will be to their users. The Social Media Platforms are the biggest instigater of turning people away from the truth and labeling anyone who is attempting to bring the truth to the surface a Conspiracy Theorist. What they are doing is nothing short of criminal. Mind control is a very real thing and unfortunately we are surrounded by it in The Media.

Social Media Dangers

This is a real eye opener, and should be viewed by all. The youth of this generation doesn't have any clue what generations prior to the information age did, or how we communicated. There is such a stark differenece between what we see today and what most of us who are over the age of about 50 know about where we came from. I know that if I sit and discuss this topic with some old friends of mine we have a totally different prospective on what life was like growing up, then the youth of today do. Which brings us to the reality of the dangers of Social Media. There is a clear and present danger which has become more and more evident in the world today. There is so much brainwashing and disinformation that is running rampant within Social Media that a young mind can be so easily influenced that it is not even funny any longer. This coupled along with the fact that communication within the home and family structure has become nothing more than a series of tweets and text messages as opposed to direct personal interaction. Take a look for yourself.